The Future of Customer Support: Answerly vs. NewOaks

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Published @ 15/07/2024 by

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Nevrie, Co-Founder @

AI Customer Support

In today's fast-paced world, great customer support is essential, which is why many businesses are turning to AI-powered solutions to help meet their customer service needs.

Answerly and NewOaks are two top choices in this space, but which one is better?

In this article, we'll show you why Answerly is the best option. From its easy-to-use interface to its advanced features, Answerly has everything you need to provide excellent customer support.

Feature Comparison

Let's compare how Answerly’s customizable agents, advanced training options, and versatile embedding features stand out against NewOaks, making it the top pick for AI customer support solutions.

Agent CustomizationPicture, name, personality settingsPrompt editing, safety prompt switch, error message
Answer StylesShort and direct, long and detailed, autoN/A
Multi-Language SupportCan speak all languagesN/A
Conversation ControlPrevents unrelated conversations, offensive messagesN/A
Human TakeoverAvailableN/A
Agent Training OptionsVideos, YouTube videos, iframes, PDFs, Google Sheets, CSV, Docs, Websites, Google Docs, Calendar links, and morePDFs, Docs, DOCX, TXT
Advanced Form BuilderExtremely advanced form builder with customizable questionsPredefined form questions
Chatbot CustomizationLogo, placement, shadow, text direction, height, width, color studio, font studio, GDPR settings, custom JS and CSSLight/dark theme, custom CSS, width, height, border radius, font family, shadow, chat bubble color, message color
Embedding OptionsEmbed via code (all pages, specified pages, directories, regex URL matching, trigger conditions like scroll depth, time spent on page, exit intent, region,.ioice)Embed via iframe, embed via script
Sharing FeaturesShare via URL, iframe, QR codeShare via URL

Agent Customization

Answerly: You can personalize your customer service agents with their own picture, name, and even adjust their personality to fit your brand’s voice. This helps create a more engaging and consistent customer experience.

Answerly look and feel settings

NewOaks: Offers basic prompt editing and safety settings for agents, but lacks the personalized touch and customization options that Answerly provides.

Answer Styles

Answerly: Whether your customers prefer short and direct responses, detailed explanations, or fully automated replies, Answerly adapts to meet their needs. This flexibility ensures every interaction feels natural and helpful.

Answerly agent behavior settings

NewOaks: Does not offer specific options for varying answer styles, limiting its ability to cater to different customer preferences.

Conversation Control

Answerly: Prevents unrelated or offensive messages automatically, maintaining a professional and safe environment for customer interactions without constant monitoring.

Answerly quality control settings

NewOaks: Lacks advanced controls for filtering out irrelevant or inappropriate messages, potentially impacting the quality of customer interactions.

Agent Training Options

Answerly: Offers a wide range of training methods including videos, documents, web content, and more. This flexibility ensures agents are well-prepared to handle diverse customer inquiries and scenarios.

Answerly knowledge hub

NewOaks: Provides basic training through documents and text files, lacking the multimedia and interactive training options that Answerly offers.

Advanced Form Builder

Answerly: Includes an advanced form builder that allows businesses to create highly customized forms to gather specific customer data. This capability streamlines data collection and enhances customer insights.

Answerly form builder

NewOaks: Offers predefined form questions, limiting customization options and flexibility compared to Answerly’s robust form-building capabilities.

Chatbot Customization

Answerly: Allows extensive customization of chatbots with options to adjust logo, placement, colors, fonts, and even incorporate custom JavaScript and CSS for a tailored user experience.

Answerly look and feel

NewOaks: Provides basic customization options such as theme selection and limited styling, lacking the depth and flexibility of Answerly’s customization features.

Embedding Options

Answerly: Supports versatile embedding via code across all pages, specific pages, or directories, using advanced triggers like scroll depth or exit intent. This ensures the chatbot is strategically placed to engage users effectively.

Answerly embedding options

NewOaks: Offers embedding options through iframes or scripts without advanced targeting capabilities, potentially limiting the chatbot’s impact and integration flexibility.

Sharing Features

Answerly: Enables easy sharing via URL, iframe, or QR code, making it simple to deploy the chatbot across various platforms and channels for maximum reach and accessibility.

Answerly sharing options

NewOaks: Provides basic sharing via URL, but lacks the versatility of Answerly’s sharing options, which cater to different deployment needs and scenarios.


Answerly is the best choice for AI customer support compared to NewOaks.

With its customizable features, advanced training options, and support for multiple languages, Answerly helps businesses provide personalized and efficient customer service.

For companies aiming to improve customer satisfaction, Answerly offers the tools needed to succeed in modern customer support.

Improve Your Customer Support with Answerly for Only $19 per Month!